Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fitting backdrop boards

Today I purchased some hardboards of approx 3mm thick, 4Ft long and 2 Ft high. These are used to make the backdrops, which I'm going to paint. In my case I could easily nail them to the roof beams and I used some duct tape to seal the gaps between them.
Once fitted I'm going to 'paint' a layer of PVA glue over them to get a good water tight base to paint on. The method I'm going to use is painting a base coat of blue paint, and then using cloud templates to spray on clouds. To see how that's done have a look here.
The picture shows the first couple of boards fitted to the roof. North Eastern GP38-2 no 1623 is just passing with a short local freight train.


  1. Martin Boysak suggested to use an oilbased paint instead of PVA. In his experience, PVA is still water soluble afterwards, and could still be affected by emulsion type paints. While I never had a problem, it is an other good alternative in protecting the hardboard from moisture and prevent warping.

  2. Another person suggests to use thin MDF, which is fairly flexible and even more moisture/warp proof than hardboard. Thickness used is up to 6mm, of course this is heavier and needs a stronger support with more nails/screws etc
