Monday, January 10, 2011


On my own California Northern layout, I've continued to add a small section of benchwork, this to expand the layout a little on the east side of the trackplan. I'm in the process of making a revision of that, to accomodate the small extra area that I now have available.
Benchwork is actually not quite correct, as in my case it doesn't really resemble a traditional benchwork. Rather I've used a few pieces of timber that I've screwed and glued to the roof construction beams of my house, and on top I've used the familiar extruded insulation foam board, sometimes called polyfoam or spaceboard. It's 50mm thick and therefore very rigid, but very light at the same time.  It has added another 4 ft to my layout area. I will post more progress pictures on this part of the layout in a future blog post.
I've also received a few more HO cars of models produced between 1980 and 1995, so they match the era I'm modeling. It's pretty hard to find cars of this era, the 50's and present day are fairly well represented, but anything in between, apart from a few classics and exotic cars, are hard to come by, so I guess my streets will not get very busy any time soon.

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